Friday, November 10, 2006

Would You Do That If Your Father Was Here?

I often find myself asking that question to my children when they argue in the grocery store, make excuses for their behavior, or when they say something selfish or disrespectful. Don't get me wrong, their very well-behaved children, but they are still children. There are things they say and do in the familiarity of my presence that they just don't happen in front of their father, grandfather, Sunday School teacher, sports coach, drama director, dance instructor or karate sensei. The last time I asked this question, something hit me like a ton of bricks...I too am a child (of God) and I too misbehave (sin) in front of my Father (in Heaven). And like a child, I probably wouldn't behave that way if I remembered He's standing right there seeing and hearing what I'm doing. What a tough realization that was! Can you imagine?
Have you ever not treated someone the way Jesus would treat them? Luke 6:31 says "treat others the same way you want them to treat you". That's what our Father expects of His children.
Have you ever been angry or stressed and snapped at someone who really didn't deserve it? Matthew 5: 23 - 24 says "Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." Our Heavenly Father expects us not to fight with others, and also to forgive.
Have you ever been anxious and worried over a situation instead of trusting it to God and letting go of it? Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." When we worry instead of trust, it's like telling our Father we're not sure we can trust Him to take care of us. (Don't our kids ask us, "are you sure?" when we tell them everything will work out fine?)
By the way, I've been found guilty as charged on all these counts and even a few more. How about you? Not once did I stop myself and think I had better not do that with my Father standing right there. If you forgot too, welcome back to childhood.
My husband always asks our kids, "Why did you do that if you know it's against the rules?" They have yet to find a good answer that saves them from being disciplined. What if God asked you that very question the next time you found yourself sinning? I know I'd probably have an answer similar to my kids, "I don't know...I guess I didn't think."
As a parent, we get frustrated, disappointed and sad when our children misbehave, and we don't like having to discipline them but we know we must to keep them on the correct path that leads to righteousness. But more importantly, we never stop loving them.
Our Father in Heaven was so smart to give us the opportunity to become parents so we can understand things from His perspective. I mess up just like the kids occasionally do, and when I realize I just did that in front of my Father, I need to be sorry. I need to decide to make better choices and strengthen my character. Knowing He still loves me is worth it all and He loves you without ceasing as well.
So the next time you get caught misbehaving in front of your (Heavenly) Father, do as we were instructed in Acts 3:19 "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;" Then you can be sure that you are forgiven, and loved unconditionally.

Dear Father,
We think we're so grown up, yet in your presence, we see we're still your children, regardless of age. We often go through life reacting to things and to other people without thinking. We want to show you our best and make you proud. What child doesn't want to impress their Father? We come to you now to apologize for the way we've been acting and the attitudes we've displayed that were not pleasing to you. We thank you and praise you for forgiving us through the sacrifice of your own son, Jesus, and for your Word that teaches us that you forget our sins once confessed, and always love us, even when we misbehave. We love you, too, and we'll try harder to be good next time.
In Jesus' Name,

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Are You Playing Tennis with Satan?

The last few weeks have been spent thinking about temptation and thankfulness. We're all tempted by the things of this world, more money, bigger home, nicer car, sexual sin, gossip, keeping up appearances, even over-indulging (especially in this country). Have you ever wondered how we can feel so humble before God during worship and prayer, yet still fall prey to Satan's temptations? We have so much to be thankful for: shelter, food for our family, a little money in the bank, our health, a job, family, even air conditioning (remember, people lived in Phoenix before it was invented). So what more could we need?
Like a game of tennis, we stand on one side, often alone, trying to win under our own power. Satan stands on the other side, knowing the secret desires and fears we try to hide. He starts a conversation while he hits the tennis ball over to your side...
"wow, look at that______! ( expensive car/big house/good-looking co-worker/internet garbage)
"yeah, it's nice, I guess" (we easily hit the first tennis ball back)
"wouldn't it be nice to have that?" (he hits it a bit harder)
"well, I guess it could be fun to have, but I don't need it" (feeling pretty proud to have hit the ball back into his court?)
"but you deserve it, after all, you work hard, you're always doing things for everyone but yourself, and you have such a thankless job, no one appreciates you" (now the ball really picks up speed and you didn't even notice)
"yeah, I guess I do kind of deserve it, don't I?" (did you just have to run to the other side of the court for that?)
"of course you do! I mean, after all, so-and-so has one and you're better than him/her" (notice the speed! you aren't even paying attention to what's really happening in the game!)
"I know, after all, I never do/say the things that person does, I'm pretty good compared to them" (now you're scrambling all over the court just to stay in the game)
"you shouldn't feel guilty, everyone does it/has it" (ooh, he made that shot seem easy to build your confidence and keep you in the game)
"yeah, so-and-so is a good person and they have one/do that" (feeling pretty proud? bet you didn't even realize he made it easy to hit so you'd keep playing)
"so go get it - someone's got to treat you right, look out for number one, right?" (Here comes the one right at the line...WILL YOU CROSS IT?)

You're so invested in your own power and feelings now you forgot WHO you were playing tennis with!

You have two choices...
1) Give in to temptation - sure, it feels good for a little while, but then guilt sets in...
"I didn't really need that"
"I told myself I was going to do better at temptations like this"
"why did I do that?"
"now I feel guilty and worse than before I had/did it"


2) Call out to God. Tell him your frustration. Call to Him to pull you up from this losing battle. Ask Him to fight for you. Believe He wants to help you and free you from bondage to this cycle of behavior.

Prayer: "Lord, what am I thinking? I have so much already. In our human nature, we admire more and more but all we really NEED is you! Remove these thoughts that are tempting me. I know they aren't coming from you. I'd rather spend an eternity with you knowing I did all I could to please you, than to spend my life guilty over continued sin and failures. Nothing is too difficult for you, so I lay this in your Mighty Right Hand. Deliver me from what I was contemplating - send the right thoughts and feelings that I might be focused on you, not things, not greed, not ungrateful- ness. You gladly give me all I truly need. For all you're already given me, I take a moment to say thank you."

Remember that Satan is so tricky and sly that often we've given into temptation before we realize what we've done, but we can strive to do better. Every single day, every hour, every minute is a new opportunity to choose God's way over Satan's way. If we do this, we'll find ourselves back on the true path to righteousness.
Good luck on your journey,
and God Bless