This summer I've had time to read for a change - and even Tim has been reading good, positive stuff too. Together we've decided there's a few books we'll be reading for us, and a few we'll incorporate by reading out loud and discussing as a family. We know what we want of and from our children, but don't always figure out how to get there. We're hoping these will help:
Tim's reading Boundaries in Marriage - one of my all-time favorite books
We'll both read Simon Says by Chuck Goetschel
We'll discuss as a family Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris
We'll discuss as a family Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute
Our hope is to develop not only in our kids, but also in ourselves, a sense of getting past fears to do what needs to be done, to pursue our calling, to make the world a better place, and to take as many people with us on the journey as possible. Fear has stopped all of us long enough. It's our time to win.