Yesterday our Women's Bible Study group (our daytime study) began a new series from Focus on the Family called The Truth Project. What a great study! Lesson 1 was all about "truth". What it is, what it isn't, why it's important, and how it's foundational to faith. It's presented in a way that once you see what God's truth is, it's easy to see how the rest of the world is so opposite in their thinking. For me, it confirmed what I've always said about being a Christian affects how you should vote on issues. Everyone else is free to vote their own beliefs, but being a Christian doesn't leave any real wiggle room for how you see the issues.
Our discussion afterwards wasn't quite a discussion. It was more like sharing our amazement and eye-opening moments that we'd just experienced watching the Lesson 1 video (which you too can find in a search online). Some of the highlights mentioned included
how anything other than The Truth is a lie, a falsehood, and has no truth in it. The definition given for insanity was the loss of touch with reality, and believing the lie is real - that of course leads to problems, because people who are insane then act upon their perception of reality.
What I liked was the illustration they used about a young child jumping off the diving board for the first time, into the waiting arms of a parent. He's full of fear and doubt (like us many times), but his faith in his parent, believing they will catch them as truth, helps him to overcome his fear and feelings. Then he is able to act in courage and strength to accomplish what he couldn't possibly have done without that faith, without believing the truth that his parent loves him and is there for him, to catch him. Such a great picture of us with our heavenly Father.
The best question was the last one: "Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?"
If we did, if we believed that all God's promises were true, every one of them, all the time, just IMAGINE what we would do! Just think how unstoppable we'd be to change the world! We'd never be stopped by fear and doubt again. Watch the video and see for yourself.
I'm not sure if this will work for you, but I found it here: http://vimeo.com/34359650
It's about an hour long, but it will build a strong foundation and you won't walk away unchanged.
Have a great rest of the week.