We all have seen the next generation and all their body "art". You know, the piercings, the tattoos, the florescent hair color...they're in our workplace, our frequent eating places, our shopping centers, and especially at our hairdressers. It's so easy for others to judge them (even though it's not anyone else's place to do so). But what are they really saying?
We try to eat right, dress right, live in the right community, drive the right car, enjoy the popular entertainment, follow the patterns of what society dictates. We spend more time worrying about what other people think than they ever really do spend thinking about us. But what are we really saying?
We have three children, well-mannered kids with just as many strengths and weaknesses as other people's. But sometimes one of them will choose an extremely bad time to disobey or talk back or fight with a sibling. They don't act that way normally, so, at times like that, what is that child really saying?
I think by now you know the answer to the question. "Notice Me!" We all want to be noticed, appreciated, and occasionally commended for a job well done. So many times all people want is to be noticed, to know they're important, to know that this world really needs them. No one wants to be thought of as disposable.
But who do we want to notice us?
When I was young, it was my parents. As I grew older, it was my teachers and friends. After school it was my boss. As a wife, it was my spouse. As a mother, it was my children. Do you know what I figured out? They're all too busy trying to be noticed by others to realize what I expected of them. They too were striving to be told they were valued. So who do I really want to notice me now?
God. He's my father, my teacher, my friend, my family, my partner, my protector and provider, and all he asks in return? "Notice Me, too."
He tells us, "Talk to me, tell me what troubles you, tell me how I can help, let me know you care, spend time with me, read my letters to you, discuss your plans with me, obey my few simple commands - Notice Me."
So often we get caught up in our own lives. We act like what we do is
so important, that it'll change everything, that we have to be in control of it all,
and yet, we forget that our lives are really yours, our livelihood is a gift from you,
our next breath is from you, and the blessings in our lives wouldn't happen
without you. Please forgive us when our attempts to make time for you gets overlooked. Help us to try harder and more consistently to Notice You. Yours is the only attention that can truly make a life-changing difference. We love you. In Jesus' Name, Amen
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