I spent half my life not caring deeply for hardly anyone. I learned at an early age to just shut off my feelings. That way I couldn't be hurt, or deal with other people's problems. Then Jesus found me and everything changed.
I have been blessed with the most wonderful friends and acquaintances, I would do anything for them. The problem is that when they hurt, I hurt. I prayed for so long for wisdom and discernment, in fact, it's one of my top 3 Spiritual gifts (along with Teaching and Encouragement)...so now I'm an unofficial counselor. I don't mind. People need real answers that have practical application, and I love to share the wonderful things God's done in my life, especially if it helps someone else.
But I think I'm at a point where I need backup, or renewing my mind, or stealing away to be alone with my Father like Jesus did on stressful days of counseling, sharing, listening, teaching and healing.
No, I absolutely do NOT think I'm Jesus-like. In fact, I humbly know just how far from that I really am. I know more of my faults than anyone, but if Jesus is my example, how do I follow Him and do what he did to recharge, rest and recover?
What do I let go of? The homeschooling? Can't do that. The Bible Study? that keeps me sane. The 2 classes my kids have? That's not right, they have people counting on them being there too and I want to teach them to be a good teammate. My son's small group bible study? No, he needs that comeraderie from other teen boys his age and a mentor like the group leader he's got there. So what do I do?
I need to find a way to unplug, even if for just a few hours. I need nature. I need my favorite worship songs. I need my Bible. I need my Father. Hmmm...sounds like a private picnic for two?
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