Monday, January 14, 2008

Small Victories

I attended a seminar on Saturday and one of the speakers' main points was to experience small victories, which will help you achieve your big goals in the future. I asked myself, "How can I apply this to my faith?" Here's a few suggestions:

1. Reading God's word - I want to read the entire bible eventually. I started a reading program where I read 1 chapter a day. If that's too big, read 1 Proverb daily, every day, for a whole month. A small victory now will mean more confidence to reach the next biggest goal in the future.

2. Praying daily - I want to take time to pray for my friends and family every day but the list is so long, it seems too time consuming. I decided to pick say, 5 friends and 3 family members to pray each day. By the end of the week, I'll have prayed for all of them, and the most important ones, I'll do more than once. That's more than I get around to praying for now, right?

3. Using my spiritual gifts and talents - I want to use them for the benefit of OTHERS. If I know they're telling right from wrong, encouragement, and teaching, I could use them to increase the quality of my homeschooling with my kids. I could offer to lead the next bible study or small group at church. I could open up to neighbors, or friends I'm not that close too yet, or take time to help out a relative I haven't yet.

Start each day asking what things I want to accomplish TODAY. Taking it one day at a time will get us further at the end of a week, a month, or a year, than not planning at all.

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