I often ask God for dreams because that's a language He and I speak. He gives me a dream for direction, or to answer a question, or as a warning, and then He gives me the gift to interpret His meaning of it, and I can "get it".
Early this morning I awoke briefly and asked God for a dream to show me what I should be doing, or what He has for me to do for His purposes. I fell back to sleep and had this dream (I'll leave out the non-essential details):
I dreamed I was in a play/film with my boys (they take drama). The moms helped out by being extras. I'd been visiting with relatives and arrived on the set late. I was the only one who hadn't seen the script, so I had no idea what was coming next, where to go, where to be, what lines I may have had, etc.
I was told the film was called "The Return of Don Quixote" (no idea why). I knew in my dream I'd met whoever played Quixote when our group filmed the first Quixote movie/play, but at the moment, I didn't recall who it was.
Next I'm in a scene with the other moms. We're on a schoolbus that gets overturned by a tornado. I don't know what to do, so I wait for a cue from someone, just trying to quietly not do the wrong thing. Suddenly, Don Quixote and his men come to help us out and I see it's Patrick Stewart! Now, in my mind, he would represent someone in authority, the one in charge, the star of the show, the captain of the Enterprise in Star Trek and well as in the Moby Dick movie, leader of the XMen.
Jump to the next scene. I'm on a stool sitting, again not knowing what I should be doing, so I wait for Patrick to give me clues. He takes me by both hands, pulls me off to the side where we quickly exchange friendly greetings with a smile and a few kind words, then...He begins to give me clues, almost in riddle form. Then he asks me, "Now, why do you think I said that to you?" and he waits for me to figure out why, what to do next, etc. He led me like this step-by-step through the scene.
Now here's my interpretation: It appears the message is that I don't need to read the whole script (know the future) to know what's next or how it turns out. I only need to listen to what God has to say. He may appear to be sometimes talking in riddles as I read through the scriptures, but if I just wait, and meditate on what he's saying, figure out WHY he's saying it, finding the intentions behind the words, I can get through things one step at a time. I'll be following very closely in his footsteps, on the correct path He's chosen for me. I couldn't just look around me (at the other moms) to see what they were doing. They had their own things to do. I had to take my directions from the one in charge, a dear friend whom I love to be with.
God is so good. Once again, we spoke and He taught me through a dream. It's our "Love Language".
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