I haven't been on this blog for a month and it was on purpose. I've had an upsetting, difficult month, and I knew I couldn't write anything positive yet. I've been angry at myself, at my husband, at my circumstances, and for a brief time, yes, I was mad at God too.
A few weeks ago I came home from a particularly difficult day at Bible Study. So many of my friends are hurting so badly and I wish I could do more to help them. I also found out some really bad news concerning a loved one that I again was powerless to help. That same day my husband informs me that I have to go to work. I'm not afraid of work, but the thought of not being able to homeschool my three kids just broke my heart. I didn't eat or sleep for a week. I also have to lose a limb before I cry, yet I was up bawling my eyes out in the middle of the night just thinking of not being able to sit around the table teaching my kids. How in the world would I be able to do all I do, introduce a brand new curriculum, keep my oldest on track for college with complete transcripts, and hold down a job on top of all the other things I do?
I was mad at God for letting it come to this (at first). How could He give me a calling so strong and obvious for homeschooling, and then let us fall into such hard times financially that I couldn't do what He called me to do? I teach, run the house, I'm writing a bible study to share (which I'll teach), and then there's the kids' activities - and now a job? When is it enough? Why do I have to be the one to keep adding on to my to-do lists when Tim only has his 1 job to worry about? Why is everything else my responsibility? I'm a help-meet to my husband? It feels like I'm his entire staff! I read to drop the unimportant busy activities to focus on only the true callings of God - then I'm forced to NOT do that?
God is merciful. He hears our prayers. He knows our needs. He feels our pain. He calms our fears. God found me the perfect job (the only one out of dozens I tried and the only one that didn't even consider NOT hiring me). I have a job where I can teach my kids for 2 hours every morning I have to work, I'm home by suppertime, I get my Tuesdays off for Bible Study and important things, and I don't have to work Sunday mornings so I can go to church. I can start with just 3 days a week and not have to increase to 4 or 5 until the kids and I are into the swing of things academically. It's in a peaceful, low-stress environment (a Victorian tea house, of all places!), and I can earn more there than working hourly somewhere else.
I'm still disappointed, but also owning my share of the responsibility for our finances. I'm sure there were purchases I made I didn't need to make. I probably spent money on the kids that wasn't necessary. I probably used credit cards when I could've used cash - or should've waited. Also, God gave us a wonderful, inexpensive business opportunity to grow our finances but Tim & I didn't give it all the effort we maybe could have. We let time slip by without persistent, consistent effort, so we haven't got the results we could have had by now - and we could've avoided having me go to work.
So now it's up to us to make some real changes. We're going to give more, save more, invest more, and pay cash for everything, buying nothing we don't need. My hope is that by the end of the year, we'll be ahead of our bills enough that I won't have to work anymore. My biggest fear is that while I'm now busy 7 days a week on stuff, Tim doesn't change anything, doesn't get our business to grow, we're dependent on my income, and I'm now stuck in the workforce when I should be home with my children.
I guess it's okay to not know the future, but to know without a doubt that God's in charge, He has a plan, and He loves me more than anyone else. He won't do something to harm me, but it's okay for Him to stretch us.
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