Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Recycling the Pain

This past weekend, we returned to our former church (where I'm still very actively involved). The message was called "Recycling the Pain". The message was about re-living past hurts and struggles because sharing your story with others will bring them hope, solutions, and help. Tim shared the struggles he/we faced 4 1/2 years ago. It wasn't easy to admit your sins in front of a few hundred people - but he was open, and honest, and gave God the credit for his 100% success in overcoming, and I'm so proud of him for that. All I had to do was explain how I felt as we went through it, and how God changed my perception to create a whole new future I never would've had today. I pray those who heard the message (or listen to it on the church's website) will be helped in some way by us re-living our worst season of life.

If I know you, and you want to hear it, leave me a message and I'll tell you where you can hear it. If I don't know you, just understand that you have things you've been through that can help others too...just be willing to share; you will be richly rewarded.

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