Choices...they can be so difficult sometimes. Someone dear to me made a decision today that either way, would affect the rest of her life. One choice may lead to a lifetime of happiness, or condemn her to pain and suffering. The other may spare her hurt later on, but she may be plagued with "what if" for the rest of her life - or it may turn out to be the lesser of two evils. It's so hard to choose the right path when neither seems like a great choice.
Not only do I hurt for her, but even worse, I can relate to what she's dealing with. I had a similar experience recently and it tore me up inside. If I take path 1, the logical decision, I may be doomed to a lifetime of reliving the same hurts over and over. If I take path 2, the emotional choice, THAT pain may be even worse and ultimately, will turn out to be the worst choice.
How do you know? What do you do? Unfortunately, the one suffering today doesn't have a relationship with Jesus, so she doesn't have that small still voice, that "intuition", that gentle nudging from the Holy Spirit to guide her. It's days like this that I stop and realize how thankful I am for my faith. Without it, life would be such a mess for me. I would act more impulsively. I may retaliate and hurt someone else and go "too far". Usually, people who act without thinking or wisdom end up leaving a trail of disaster (and hurt people) in their wake. I don't want to be like that. I try time and time again to help my dear one understand what Jesus has to offer, but she doesn't want to listen...so I'm not sure how to help except to pray for her, her situation, and those involved.
I also realized today just how different I've become because of my faith. I probably would've made the same decision she did today had I not had my faith to guide me. I came so close. And it would've been so awful. And every day I hope and pray that I made the right choice, that I'll never have to go through the pain again that caused that crossroads. Knowing God has a plan for my life, a purpose in all of it, and that He loves me even when I can't see it - it keeps me going, on the right path, growing and learning every day.
I pray the rewards of a good choice are what I'll find at the end of the path I chose. And I pray the same for the one who hurts so badly tonight that I also love so much.
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