This is a reposting of a devotional I wrote (totally inspired, I can't take credit) back in 2006, maybe earlier. It was the 1st of about 10. Enjoy!
Matthew 25: 21 "His Master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful in a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"
While reading my Bible recently, I came across the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. I've read it before and I've heard the sermons on how this is about Spiritual Gifts, not just money God gives you, but that's not what struck me. What really seemed to speak to me was the word "servant".
Jesus didn't say "well done good and faithful worker, church-goer, parent, spouse, leader, friend, or even follower". Jesus chose the word servant on purpose. He showed us how to serve others when he washed the feet of his disciples. This made me dig a little deeper into what else Jesus said regarding being a servant.
What God kept bringing to my attention, is the nature of the servant. This doesn't mean the way he or she acts during church, or when others are watching, or when there's something to gain. Someone's nature is who they are when no one's watching. It's a part of who they are, internally, that governs their actions. The good news is, taking on the nature of a servant is like playing a musical instrument, it can be learned. It's not something you must be born with or else you'll never have it. So let's figure out what traits to develop on this journey of following Christ and becoming a servant.
A servant:
humbles himself - willing to fill the needs of others, regardless of credit, praise, or status
submits - willing to give up control to God, and those in authority over him or her,
is obedient - does what is asked of him because it is the right thing to do according to God
helps - finds needs of others and fills them joyfully, doesn't complain about his own needs that aren't being met by other people. Instead expects God to meet his own needs.
has joy from within - not resentful of the duties being performed, enjoys the gift of helping
respectful - refuses to quarrel with those around him, instead, seeks solutions to problems rather than assigning blame, complaining or gossiping.
loves God - by serving Jesus' flock, a servant feels God's presence and love.
So how can we as His followers decide to be better servants? Sometimes the best way is to just jump in with faith and trust and fill the needs God presents to you. Pray about it. Ask the Lord for guidance (through His Word and the Holy Spirit) which areas He desires to see you serve. God doesn't ask for a few to try to please the crowds with false humility, or with busyness. He only asks that as Christ's body, we should serve one another.
The best example is the first church, mentioned in the book of Acts. It says in Acts 4 that all the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed material possessions as their own, they shared all they had. There were no needy among them. Imagine if we all took on that servant nature! What kind of church would we have? What kind of group of people could we become? How would that impact those outside looking in? Let's all pray and ask how we can serve each other during this season of our lives. Let's take the focus off what we wish someone would do, or teach. Instead, let's focus on what God-given abilities and gifts we've been blessed with, and how we can bless our members with them.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending us such a perfect example of servant hood in your son, Jesus. We want to become better servants ourselves, but taking the first step in sometimes the hardest of all. We ask that you'd speak to our hearts and minds. Show us the needs in our church and community, and inspire us to trust you to teach us how to fill it, how to be a good servant, for your glory, and to further your kingdom here on earth. May we one day hear those wonderful
words spoken to us from your lips, "well done, good and faithful servant."
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