Monday, November 26, 2012

Progress Update

Last week I was beginning to understand that I should just let go. I don't have to struggle so hard to do everything I should in my own strength, and I'll just end up failing if I try that. Instead I gave everything over to Jesus. I asked Him to be in control, as master and Lord of my life, my heart, my mind, my body, my thoughts, my words, my work, my finances, my relationships, my home, everything. So far, the past week seems to hold less stress than I was experiencing before that decision. I'm sleeping a little better. I'm more calm during the day. I even find that I'm making better choices with hardly any trouble at all, since I'm not struggling with controlling my self-control, if that makes sense. It's easier to stop a train of thought that's not positive and productive. It's easier to say no to temptations. It's easier to be more understanding and forgiving with people. It's easier to not think about the things we don't have yet and focus on how many actual needs are met daily. It's just been a much easier time going through my day to day routine. I like who I am when Jesus is the Lord of my life, and I get to just be the servant and friend. The pressure is off, things turn out better, and the guilt and fears that were holding me back seem to also be minimized. My new theme song is Draw the Line by Disciple (do a YouTube search for it, with lyrics). It's going to be a great next leg of my Spiritual journey. May your journey be filled with peace and joy too.

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