Friday, August 03, 2007


Well, we're all back from vacation. We had a great time in Utah, then spent a few days visiting with my husband's family before coming home. We spent time with his parents, grandparents, 2 uncles, an aunt, his cousin and her husband, their 2 kids, their nephew, and another of Tim's cousins. I've known them for years, so it was very comfortable for me, and my kids enjoyed spending time with kids from 2 - 18 that they never get to see. Three of them they met for the first time - all from CA.
I love listening to the stories, the heritage, the ancestors' lives, and seeing who looks like or acts like who else in the family. It made me really miss my own family. My family are in MA, FL, GA, AK, and TX. Next year, one of my sisters is getting married so we'll be together then. I'm looking forward to my kids meeting their cousins (my cousins and their kids).
Now to relate this to my faith...

Just as we get lonely for family, I imagine God too misses us when we aren't "close to Him". I know he's always there, always with us, always watching, but would it be any fun for us if our relatives were there but invisible and silent? It's the conversations together that keep us close, and I'm sure God enjoys that one-on-one time with us too. Today I'm going to try really hard to talk with Him throughout the day - I miss my Father and it's time I planned a visit with Him.

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