Monday, August 06, 2007

We're about to begin a new school year...

This time of year is exciting for me. We'll be starting school soon. I love using new books, new supplies, a fresh start and hope for a great year. This year I'm teaching 8th, 6th and 4th, with very few classes where the kids can do work together. 10 class periods, with 3 classes going on per period, or 30 classes a day! (Okay, really it's 28, but still!)
I hope this year is a good year for Adam where he feels he's really pulled ahead of Logan. After years of having classes together, he got frustrated thinking either he was 2 grades behind, or his little brother was as smart as he was. This year, he's got some serious classes that Logan won't tackle for at least another 2 years.
My hope for Logan is that he settles down and begins to mature. He's got a Critical Thinking class this year, like a logic class, that I hope will help him learn to think before he speaks - or at least stop saying dumb things that get his father frustrated.
Jordan will have the hardest year of all, I think. She's been pretty lazy the last few years - expecting me to do her work for her, but this year, it's all up to her and she'll have to really try to pass. The tests are standardized and not from me so I can't be objective at all. That'll be a big help. She's smarter than she knows. Maybe this year she'll find that out?
Tim's in the middle of a new job change, in fact he's at an interview right now. We have no idea what the pay will be like, what hours or days he'll work, or any of the many factors we'll have to consider. We just pray for God to guide us to the best choice.
As for me, I can't wait to get started. I feel less rushed this year, yet somehow, a part of me is ready to panic because I'm not rushed, feeling like I must be forgetting something. I think I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things after an almost 10 day vacation.
Here's where I turn it all over to God and pray for wisdom and discernment to make the best choices for all of us. If I do, I know it'll all work out for the best.
Enjoy your day.

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