Sunday, February 17, 2008

You have to give to receive...

Have you ever heard that before? You have to give to receive. I grew up with my grandmother telling me it's better to give than to receive, but not I HAD to give to receive.

Today I called a friend of mine who lives 3000 miles away. Actually, she's more than a friend. She's been my best friend all through childhood, my teen years, and into my adult years until I got married. We've been through everything together, weddings, funerals, ex-everythings, apartments, cars, you name it. Her parents were foster parents, and although I wasn't a ward of the state, I spent many years in and out of their home so they were my foster parents, too.

Anyway, I called her mainly because we try to talk every weekend, but more deeply than that, I needed to call her. She means the world to me, always has, even during the years where we lost touch. (Life happens too fast and time slips away.)

I told her I feel energized when I'm helping others and since I'd been in the house the past few days, I felt useless and bored. Okay, so maybe I said something like, "I live such a boring life!" but you get the idea.

My friend can handle herself and anything else that comes along without me, and do just fine, she's that kind of dynamic person. I'm so proud of the woman she grew up to be. But by just listening to her, hearing her voice, I was able to find a few things to say to encourage her. This really energized me. My whole mood lifted and I felt like I was in a better place when we hung up. I didn't feel good about myself, that's not what this is about...I felt better becuase she was happier. Because I felt God was able to use me to bring laughter to her day where it wasn't there before. I felt I was living my purpose.

With my new feeling of revitalization, I realized how separated I felt when I wasn't fulfilling a purpose - just drifting along through life. I now believe I've reached a new peak, a next step in my journey: I NEED to give (to others)in order to receive (a blessed heart, sense of purpose, fulfillment).

May you be blessed by something here and make it yours.

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