Saturday, March 01, 2008

Living Each Day

Recently, a friend's blog posted a video of Randy Pausch during his interview on Oprah. He's a man dying of pancreatic cancer, with just a few months to live. He's a college professor with a wife and three little kids under the age of five. The video highlights a talk he gave as a final exit speech on living. He's not sad, or bitter, or angry about what he's been dealt with because he's always lived his life to the fullest. His speech has been the #1 most downloaded clip off YouTube (at least I think that's what Oprah said). Do a search for him, or read it on my friend's blog at - just go down a few entries to the one titled "Randy Pausch". It's about 20 min. long, but it cuts out the commercials. It's SOOOOOO worth your time.

What a great reminder of how we're meant to live. May you be blessed by his inspiration.

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