Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lessons from Isaiah

I've read my bible many times before, but I guess I never read ALL of Isaiah. In January I read Isaiah and really got to know the heart of God. We are still living like the Israelites, us, the modern new believers - I'm not talking about the non-believers. We know right from wrong, but somehow we always tend to say the wrong thing, pick on or insult each other, judge each other (I hate that one!), do selfish things, argue because of ego, the list goes on and on.

God tried so hard to reach out to His people. He begged them to return. He told them He was jealous but would forgive them. He promised them the world, and beyond! Still they insist that their way was better, they were right, He was wrong. They didn't want to be restricted by rules, even rules that would keep them safe, protected and lead to an amazing journey beside God. We haven't learned anything in all these centuries, have we?

We still chase false idols today. Maybe we don't bow to a statue of gold or wood, or cry out a false-god's name, or throw our children into a fire to appease an unseen god but look what we DO still do:

We neglect our families for money to buy TOYS, big-screen tv's, newer cars, bigger houses we know we can't afford, take trips we can't pay cash for, eating out several times a week, it goes on and on. Meanwhile, wives are raising the kids as single-parents, kids have awful, if any, relationships with their fathers, it's an emotional train wreck.

We also seek to be seen as powerful, or better than the guy next to us, or richer than the neighbor, or smarter than our co-worker. We put on such a front that the truth eats us alive. We become so stressed about trying to keep up appearances, our health suffers. Not to mention that we eat packaged garbage, full of chemicals, loaded with poisons and toxins - as if the pollution we breath isn't enough! That's the health train wreck.

When we've over-spent, and the economy tanks like it has, we find ourselves laid off, our in jeopardy of it, family and friends are suffering around us and we haven't saved up enough to help them. Many are losing their home, waiting so long for benefits they can't buy necessary medications, or even food. It's the financial train wreck.

So what did I learn? God wants us to stop this ridiculous life we've created for ourselves. Be real, admit our shortcomings, be humble, and return to Him. He's promised us life in abundance here on earth, and an afterlife beyond anything our human minds can possibly imagine...if we only trust in Him, accept Jesus as Lord of our lives, doing things the way He would, letting go of the smoke and mirrors show. Only then can we find true happiness and find the truth, the secret to living a life of peace and hope, the truth that truly sets you free. Free to be who you are. Free to be all you were meant to be. Free to have the close relationships you desire. Free to let go of the things that kept us miserable and chained.

Have you talked to God today? He's listening, He loves you, and He wants you beside Him.

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