Thursday, July 21, 2011

Part 6 of 8

If you're just joining us today, I would suggest that you begin at Part 1 and work your way up to Part 6. It will be more meaningful to take these in order.

One day, you're in your bedroom and Jesus is beside you, talking with you, and He asks, "Who's that in the photo beside your bed?" You proudly answer, "That's my boyfriend (or girlfriend, if you're a guy reading this). Although Jesus has proven himself that love comes first over and over, and He's here to help, and your relationship really is a good one, you still feel funny talking about some issues you two are struggling with lately. You try to change the subject when Jesus interjects, "You're not sure if you agree with my teachings on sex, are you? That's it's created, designed and reserved for two people in a covenant marriage? Some days it seems pretty unnatural and impossible to follow those teachings? You think My will may take away or at least limit your full enjoyment of love and life? Is that what's bothering you?"

How does He always know? Silly question. "Yes", you reply.

"Listen carefully to me" Jesus says. "I forbid adultery and premarital sex not because it's a bad thing, but because it's such a good thing! It deepens love and creates a bonding of two lives. It's powerful! So powerful it can bring forth human life into existence! Used properly, sex has the tremendous power for good. The flip side is that used improperly, it destroys all that's good. It becomes manipulation, a power struggle, a weapon, opens wounds, betrays trust in a relationship, can drive a person into self-hatred and guilt, causing them to want to try to hide from God. The list of negatives when abused is almost endless. That's why God intends for it to only be used within the commitment of a loving life-partnership. There's so much more to love than sex."

Jesus continues, "Let me help you in your relationship with the opposite sex. If you fail, or feel guilt and shame, remember that I still love you and will remain with you. Talk to me about it when you're struggling or confused. Acknowledge you've made mistakes in the past and take new steps to stop it from happening again. Rely on MY strength to keep you from stumbling and falling. I promise I'll always be here to help you back up. I can lead you both into a relationship of love and marriage where two individuals really will become one - in me."

I know today's message may seem like it's not helpful to married couples (most of my readers), but maybe it's for you to share with a teenager? A single friend? A divorced or widowed family member who's getting started in the dating process all over again and may be struggling? Someone you know caught in the wrong type of relationship? Adultery? I'm not here to judge anyone else. I'm only here to heal hurts and share the love of Jesus with those who need it, and hopefully the right words will get to the right people through those of us who allow Jesus to work freely through us to bring light into a darkened world. Who can use this encouragement and help today?

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