If you made it back here after part 7, I commend you. It takes courage, some soul-searching, and a willingness to truly discover God's will for your life. It's a giant step towards making Jesus Lord of your life forever. Today will conclude this series. I hope it's helped the people it was meant for.
Part 8: After a while has passed, you realize that although you really do want to keep this house clean for Jesus (your heart, your mind), it's actually very hard work. As soon as you get one room really spotless, you find out another room has suffered and is now dirty all over again. (Although maybe now it just needs some straightening up instead of a complete overhaul, right?)
The maintaining and keeping such an obedient life is hard and you know what? Many of us just aren't quite up to it. You have an idea! You ask Jesus, "Is there any possibility that you'd be willing to manage the whole house, operate it for me like you did the hall closet? Is it possible for me to give you the responsibility of keeping my house, heart and mind what it should be, so that I can continue doing what I ought to be doing?"
Imagine His whole face lighting up as He replies enthusiastically, "I'd love to! That's exactly the reason I came to you in the first place! You can't live out this Christian life in your own strength, I've known that all along. Let me do this for you and through you. It's the only way it would work anyway. Just remember one thing. I am NOT the OWNER of the house. I am your guest. I have no authority to take charge since this property isn't mine."
You feel such a feeling of freedom and release! All this time Jesus has been your guest and you've been trying to play the host/hostess. Now you'll take on the role you were meant to play. You tell Jesus, "From now on YOU will be the owner and I will be the servant!"
You run to the strong box, excitedly open it up and take out the title deed to your home, describing it's assets and liabilities, it's condition, location and situation. You rush back over to Jesus and eagerly sign it over giving the title to Him alone for all time and eternity. You drop to your knees and present it to Him, "Here it is, all I am, all I have, it's your now, just please let me stay here with you as your servant and friend."
When you do this, Jesus takes your life from that day forward for all eternity. There's no better way to live out your Christian journey. He knows best of all how to use and keep your life. A peace will come and settle deep inside that will remain. You in Him and He in you. May Christ settle down and be at home as Lord of your heart.
Thank you for this time I could share with you at such an intimate level. May the peace of Christ be yours forever.
PS: Join me in the near future as we go through the Spiritual Gifts and learn how to apply them.
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