In light of today being "support Chick-Fil-A" day, I thought I'd just pour out what's been on my mind. Are people really so blind to our constitutional rights being taken away?
Everyone's in a frenzy because the CEO of Chick-Fil-A said that personally, he believes in traditional family values, which would include marriage as being between a man and a woman. He also said those values are why they're closed on Sundays. Not to mandate their employees go to church, but so they have the freedom to do so without work interference. So that they can have time with their families one day a week. What was supposed to be a positive comment has been spun and twisted and the media's spent all week stirring up trouble saying that Chick-Fil-A and it's owners are using "hate speech" and that they're not showing their Christian values if they don't accept and embrace the gay lifestyle. WHAT????!!! Even my 18 year old, who I raised to think for himself, fell for the media lies and thought the owner had come forward and actually said he hates gays. When I tried to explain what was said, in what context, it sounded so foreign to what "everyone else" was saying, he assumed because the lies were louder and in print, they must be the truth.
Yes, the bible says to hate the sin and love the person - but that is very different from saying Christians are supposed to embrace the unnatural relationships of the gay lifestyle! In fact, it's God himself, who CREATED the concept of marriage in the first place, that called it unnatural for a to lay with a man or a woman to lay with a woman. Christians are not supposed to support and donate to causes that fight for that. On the flip side, I wouldn't expect a gay bar owner to say he despises that lifestlyle and give money to organizations that fight for traditional family values either. I wouldn't attack him for being a "hater" over it. I'm so tired of one side standing up for their beliefs and being called every bad name imaginable, yet when "the other side" - regardless of who they are - disagrees, they're supposed to be looked at as if they're superheroes saving the world from corruption. People have the right to free speech and to believe as they choose without the government telling them how they are allowed to talk and believe. They can't mandate a government religion - but isn't that what they're doing? The mayors of 3 major cities are using their government position to forbid free enterprise (by not allowing Chick-Fil-A to open a single location in their district) because they personally disagree with a person's (the CEO) personal belief based on their own religion. It doesn't get more unconstitutional than that! And by the way, Rosanne Barr, who no one's heard from in ten years or more, using profanity saying people who eat there "deserve to die of cancer" doesn't make me change my mind. It just makes me see what a low-class, drama queen she really is with no idea what's constitutional and what's just plain inflammatory propaganda. As for me and my household, we'll be supporting Chick-Fil-A today, thank you.
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