Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where does the counselor find counsel?

I spent half my life not caring deeply for hardly anyone. I learned at an early age to just shut off my feelings. That way I couldn't be hurt, or deal with other people's problems. Then Jesus found me and everything changed.

I have been blessed with the most wonderful friends and acquaintances, I would do anything for them. The problem is that when they hurt, I hurt. I prayed for so long for wisdom and discernment, in fact, it's one of my top 3 Spiritual gifts (along with Teaching and Encouragement)...so now I'm an unofficial counselor. I don't mind. People need real answers that have practical application, and I love to share the wonderful things God's done in my life, especially if it helps someone else.

But I think I'm at a point where I need backup, or renewing my mind, or stealing away to be alone with my Father like Jesus did on stressful days of counseling, sharing, listening, teaching and healing.

No, I absolutely do NOT think I'm Jesus-like. In fact, I humbly know just how far from that I really am. I know more of my faults than anyone, but if Jesus is my example, how do I follow Him and do what he did to recharge, rest and recover?

What do I let go of? The homeschooling? Can't do that. The Bible Study? that keeps me sane. The 2 classes my kids have? That's not right, they have people counting on them being there too and I want to teach them to be a good teammate. My son's small group bible study? No, he needs that comeraderie from other teen boys his age and a mentor like the group leader he's got there. So what do I do?

I need to find a way to unplug, even if for just a few hours. I need nature. I need my favorite worship songs. I need my Bible. I need my Father. Hmmm...sounds like a private picnic for two?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Do You Have Any Experience?

When you start a new job, what does your potential boss always ask? "Do you have any experience?" They want to know where you've been, what you've done, what's been accomplished through you, or else, what will you need to learn before you can perform the tasks ahead?

So in our Christian Walk, every day, every week, every month, every year, it's a new journey. Sometimes an adventure, sometimes a battle. And now the same question, "Do you have any experience?"

Has God answered the prayers of you or those you know?

Have you seen His goodness unfold in your life?

Have you seen the proof of what he can create?

Has He changed you from the way you were when you found Him?

Has your relationship with Him and His Son grown?

Do you find yourself with a new best friend who'll never let you down?

Then you probably already have all the experience you need to move forward, allow God to use you and share your faith with someone who needs it. Enjoy the journey.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

We're all so uniquely different.

As I've been on my latest journey to improve myself, I'm really paying attention to my friends. I figure, God put them in my life for a reason - so they have lots they can teach to help me become a better person.

Mrs. C is so wonderful at not being judgemental of others. I know I'm a better person because of what I've learned from her.

Mrs. T has really shown me what an every single day walk with the Lord looks like. I've put my trust in God so much more since I met her.

Mrs. S is just so much fun to be with. When others are complaining and dealing out their victim mentality, she's a breath of fresh air. She ignores the daily suffering she has and chooses instead to smile, laugh, take things one day at a time, and enjoy the moment. I need more of that!

Mrs. L is so humble. It's never "about her". She's got a heart for others, a warm smile, and you feel like the two of you are the only ones in the room when she talks to you.

Mrs. M is a warrior for Christ. She's stepped way beyond the boundaries of her comfort zone to bring the good news of Jesus to others around the world. Talking with her is like reading an adventure novel by my favorite author!

Mr. T has taught me about foundational values. His are not compromised, even at his own loss. He's taught me to do what's right above all else.

Mr. J has made me believe that ANYONE can change if they just open the door to God a tiny crack - and now Mr. J. spends his life serving others.

Mrs. J is the best friend anyone could ask for. She's the most amazing listener I've ever met, and her heart is always there to help her friends and family.

Mrs. A is forever there to help those in need, with amazing patience.

Mrs. J (another one) is strong, and smart, and organized, and lets me know that being task-oriented is okay if that's how God designed me to be.

Mrs. P has a special place in my heart with Mrs. R, and for the same reasons. They both live a life dedicated to God and serve as my two spiritual mentors. I run things by them and ask for their insight and they've never steered me wrong yet. I can't imagine my world without them.

Thank you God for the people you've brought into my circle. I'm so blessed by them, and in time, I hope to bless others the way they do for me.