Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - the Logical Side

Although emotionally I don't feel appreciative and thankful, logically, I still know that I have a lot to be thankful for. Here's just a partial list:

1. I know I'm saved for all eternity because of the sacrifice Jesus made in my place to pay the penalty for all the sins I've ever committed, as well as those I will commit in the future. My sentence for what I've done has been paid by Him and because of that, I will spend eternity with Jesus instead of suffering.

2. #1 is available for every single person on earth, and I'll get to see my husband, children, and other loved ones in Heaven for all time (those who accept Jesus' gift and sacrifice and chose to let Him be Lord of their lives.)

3. In spite of recent health issues, I'm still relatively healthy compared to so many other people. Cancer is everywhere - especially in my family - so not having been diagnosed with any as of yet is a reason to be thankful.

4. I have been married to the same man for almost 20 years, practically unheard of these days. It's not always easy, and there have been times in the past when I wanted to call it quits, but we got through those times, and even at his worst, Tim is still better than so many others out there. I know that some days I wonder which is easier, being married or being single again with no one to answer to, and the answer is always the same - married to Tim is better, and deep-down, I know we'll be together forever.

5. I have 3 great kids. Being cooped up in the same house 24/7 with no money to do anything fun together is so hard most of the time, but all 3 are teenagers, none smoke, drink, take drugs, or choose to make really bad decisions. I'm blessed to have such wonderful kids, and I accept them where they're at today.

6. It's been hard accepting help from the state to supplement our grocery bill, it's something I never planned on having to do as an adult, but I'm very thankful for the opportunity to feed my family and not watch them go hungry. I try to be the very best steward of the limited resources we do have, spending as little as possible without any waste. I'm thankful we can eat 3 meals a day, and have snacks, when so many right here in Concho can't.

7. Even though it's hard living with my husband's parents, and always having reminders that it's not our house, I am thankful we have a place to live. I still resent Tim making us 3 (us 2 plus Adam) quit 3 good-paying jobs to move here where there's no jobs, no money, no opportunity, and a huge drug problem - I am thankful we live indoors, it's a home with lots of space, and we have wood and heaters to keep warm this winter. We may not have anywhere to go to get some privacy or quiet alone time, but we have lots of square feet to spread out. It beats living in a 1000 sf trailer out here like most families are doing.

8. Although I doubt I'll ever find a church home like Mountain Valley again, I am happy we're at First Baptist in Show Low. There's people similar to our age, they're friendly, there's at least some kind of youth group, we do fun activities every few months, the messages are thought-provoking, but most of all - the Sunday School (and Wed. night studies) bring about real change. They are helping me grow to be more Christ-like, so I am happy for that.

9. Tim has a job. It may not be 40 hours, nor enough to live on, but it's something. We'll be able to keep our auto insurance, phones, and put gas in the car to go to church and grocery shopping. It isn't much, in fact it's the least we've ever lived on, but it beats being unemployed - like so many are having to deal with - especially now around Christmas.

10. I see so many people dealing with tragedies, loss of a loved one, losing a child unexpectedly, losing a spouse, watching relatives suffering with cancer, and so much more. I'm thankful that our family hasn't had to endure such horrific tragedies. We're not better or more special than any other family, so to have been spared things like this, that makes us blessed, and for that, I am truly thankful.

- perhaps in the next few days, I'll list off other little things to be thankful for - and maybe, just maybe, if I make it a daily attitude, the feelings of thankfulness and being content where I'm at will overcome the depression and resentment that I'm trying so hard to get rid of. I'm not perfect, just human, trying to get better every day. I'm not there yet, but at least I'm in the process and moving forward.

Thanksgiving - mixed feelings - the Why of it all.

I have tried to be the encourager to so many over the years, it's something I really work at, but now I think I need one of my own. Today is Thanksgiving. I logically have so much to be thankful for, yet deep down, hidden far beneath the surface, I'm having trouble feeling thankful. Maybe if I talk this out it'll reveal a solution, or better perspective.

This year started so full of hope. Tim & I still had a growing Monavie business that was self-supporting, he had just started working with his father in a new and up-coming text media company that promised more money and freedom than any job. We made plans for travel, to get into a house of our own, to have money to send Adam to college - at least his first semester of community college. And to be able to do something besides spend every day in this cold house all winter, bored and too broke to go to town.

The first 3 or 4 months went well. Money was coming in, things were happening, we were visiting the valley every now and then, we even got to have a full week in the valley for Spring Break! It was a great time, then it all started to unravel around May.

Tim had a new focus and gave up on Monavie, so it died back to almost nothing. I just want to point out that the company is great, the products are all they claim and more, the leadership in place is tremendous, it's US that failed, not the venture.

Then things went sour with his new "boss" (not Dad). They had to part ways and the company's owner turned out to be a person who over promises and under delivers. The software platform became unreliable, as did support. So over the summer, they both quit pursuing this new business, and all our hopes of a home, travel, freedom, and stability was gone, thrown away. I stepped up and started cooking and baking things to sell at our tiny little farmer's market so we didn't lose our auto insurance and phones, but even that would come to an end in the fall.

Around fall, Tim realized that his fears are too big to own a business. He won't talk to strangers, won't do outside sales, and won't call to follow-up because he's afraid they'll quit. Every opportunity God's given us to grow, and become a success, Tim has let fears stop us and he decides his family will just have to settle for less and less, end of story. Well, after losing our home, having to declare bankruptcy, using up all savings and 401K plans, and now having no income - how much less does he think we can deal with? He finally decided to look for a job.

Fortunately, God rewards faithfulness. We never stopped tithing no matter how little we had. When Tim applied for ANY shift, ANY time, ANY days of the week, Walmart hired him for seasonal help, 3rd shift. After a few weeks of hard work, he stood out, and got hired as a full-time, non-seasonal employee. Sounds happy, right? Wrong. Seasonal workers get 40 hrs. a week. Full-time gets cut to 36 so there's no benefits to pay. We finally start to think MAYBE we can earn enough to get our own place, move closer to town, work and church, not have to dump most of his paycheck into the gas tank - and we get another hit. So, Tim pursues a possibility to take a test and some online classes through work so he can become a dept. manager in electronics. So does that pan out? It's never a yes or no - always some kind of "holding pattern". He's told yes, but has to test on company time - then they won't give him the time off the floor to take it - so no change, hours and pay are still cut, and now a bigger percentage of his check is for gas.

Did I mention that during all this, Cancer has ravaged my friends and family? I lost my Grandmother in October, my great-uncle (my favorite relative on that side) is dying of it, my Grandmother's sister is battling a brain tumor, my aunt has breast cancer, my cousin and sister both have pre-cancerous results show up every few months, my other aunt is also sick, and I've already lost an aunt, uncle and grandparent to cancer.

Oh yeah, and I'm getting tested for glaucoma next week because I can't read well anymore because my left eye has gone permanently blurry - while I battle hypertension, adrenal exhaustion, and high blood pressure from all this stress. My waking bp is high, even after a restful night of sleep!

This is my WHY I have trouble feeling thankful. I sit here reading on Facebook how thankful everyone is and tears just start falling. I've spent the last 18 months losing financial stability, friends, family, a purpose, ability to get out of the house, my vision, my health, but...I really do WANT to feel thankful and grateful, because I know things could be SO much worse. I'll write about that later.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Statistics show 1 in 2 will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime.

This week has been so trying. I found out Thursday that my grandmother is dying. She's 86 and lived like the poster child for Prevention magazine. As long as I can remember, she lived to tell others about vitamins, all natural foods, using natural products - including toothpaste and soap! She's got cancer in her uterus, lymph nodes, adrenal glands, kidneys and liver. How can this be?

The same night, I found out my aunt on the other side of the family has been diagnosed with cancer this year and is on chemo shots for it. No one told me in all these months. I understand she wants to keep it a secret, but I want to know! I want time to pray for her. Time to talk with her, or write to her. Maybe even time to see her. I want time to ask God to heal her. Please, don't take that away by keeping it a secret if that happens to you.

I also heard 2 other relatives either have cancer, or are under a physician's care for pre-cancerous cells to be treated. This is crazy!

I lost an Uncle and an Aunt to cancer already, and they were both so young! Early 50s! That's only 10 years from now for me! What chance do I have? What's my mother got that I don't know about? What about my kids? So many many worries...and I'm 3000 miles away from them.

Please pray.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Taking a break?

There apparently will be a pause between the last series and the next one, which I hope will be on Spiritual Gifts. I only write devotionals when inspired, it's too hard to force them on my own, and right now I guess I'm not in the right place to write.

Nothing's wrong necessarily, we're just at a career crossroads with Tim and have some major decisions to make. I don't want to take a single step unless I know it's on the path God has chosen for us. Here's the visual I get:

We're standing at the crossroads, there's about 5 paths we can choose from, but we have no idea where they'll lead, how hard/easy they'll be, nor which one will take us where we want to go. God is on the corner selling "FREE MAPS!!!" if we'll just ask Him. He knows where every road leads, what it looks like, where it goes, leads and ends. Yet, because we're afraid He'll suggest what we don't want to do, we say, "No thank you, I don't need a map, we'll just pick...this road." What is it with men and asking directions? Seriously, we all do it at times, not just the guys.

Anyway, I haven't been able to sleep more than a 3 hour block in over 2 months now, the stress has me on edge, I'm having physical problems from it. I would ask that if you're reading this, please pray for our family. Please ask God to reveal what really has to happen, what path we must take, to close all other possibilities so Tim has to choose the right thing to do, so I can sleep normally again, and our family can stop this holding pattern we've been in for so long. I'm not sure how much more I can endure, and I know he needs answers, the right ones. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Part 8 of 8.

If you made it back here after part 7, I commend you. It takes courage, some soul-searching, and a willingness to truly discover God's will for your life. It's a giant step towards making Jesus Lord of your life forever. Today will conclude this series. I hope it's helped the people it was meant for.

Part 8: After a while has passed, you realize that although you really do want to keep this house clean for Jesus (your heart, your mind), it's actually very hard work. As soon as you get one room really spotless, you find out another room has suffered and is now dirty all over again. (Although maybe now it just needs some straightening up instead of a complete overhaul, right?)
The maintaining and keeping such an obedient life is hard and you know what? Many of us just aren't quite up to it. You have an idea! You ask Jesus, "Is there any possibility that you'd be willing to manage the whole house, operate it for me like you did the hall closet? Is it possible for me to give you the responsibility of keeping my house, heart and mind what it should be, so that I can continue doing what I ought to be doing?"

Imagine His whole face lighting up as He replies enthusiastically, "I'd love to! That's exactly the reason I came to you in the first place! You can't live out this Christian life in your own strength, I've known that all along. Let me do this for you and through you. It's the only way it would work anyway. Just remember one thing. I am NOT the OWNER of the house. I am your guest. I have no authority to take charge since this property isn't mine."

You feel such a feeling of freedom and release! All this time Jesus has been your guest and you've been trying to play the host/hostess. Now you'll take on the role you were meant to play. You tell Jesus, "From now on YOU will be the owner and I will be the servant!"

You run to the strong box, excitedly open it up and take out the title deed to your home, describing it's assets and liabilities, it's condition, location and situation. You rush back over to Jesus and eagerly sign it over giving the title to Him alone for all time and eternity. You drop to your knees and present it to Him, "Here it is, all I am, all I have, it's your now, just please let me stay here with you as your servant and friend."

When you do this, Jesus takes your life from that day forward for all eternity. There's no better way to live out your Christian journey. He knows best of all how to use and keep your life. A peace will come and settle deep inside that will remain. You in Him and He in you. May Christ settle down and be at home as Lord of your heart.

Thank you for this time I could share with you at such an intimate level. May the peace of Christ be yours forever.

PS: Join me in the near future as we go through the Spiritual Gifts and learn how to apply them.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Part 7 of 8

Hang on, bear with me, today may be a bit rough, but well worth it in the end...

You've really come a long way on this journey and I'm proud of you for sticking with this. If you've implemented changes in your life already to grow closer to Jesus, I just know He's happy and smiling and so pleased to be closer with you. Things are going better, perhaps, but what if...

One day, you get home after a typical day and Jesus is waiting for you right by the front door. He's got a strange look in His eye, one you don't remember seeing before. He seems to be looking at you in an odd way that makes you a bit uneasy. He gets right to the point, he's so good at that, "There's a strange odor in the house. I think something must be dead around here. It's upstairs and I think it's coming from the hall closet."

As soon as Jesus says this, a little red flag pops up in your mind. You know where He's talking about. In that closet, you have one or two things hidden away you don't want anyone to know about. You keep the tiny little closet locked at all times. They are dead and rotting things of the past, part of the old life. They aren't evil or wicked, just things that aren't right or good to have in a new Christian life. Not only have you tried very hard to keep other people from knowing about those things of your past, but you certainly don't want Jesus to see and know about them! What would he think?! You know you should've gotten rid of them long ago, but there's an attachment to them you find hard to break. You want to hang on to them so badly, yet didn't want to admit they were still here in your house.

Reluctantly, you ascend the stairs with Jesus. You know He won't let this go. As you get closer, you too notice the stench is getting so much stronger, almost overwhelming. He points at the door and says, "It's in there! Some dead thing!"

Okay, now you're a bit angry. You've given your house guest free access to the entire house, made all kinds of changes to suit His way of living, given up quite a bit, but now he's asking, or rather, demanding, do know about this tiny little 2 foot by 2 foot closet? That's where you draw the line. You are NOT handing over the key!

Reading your thoughts, Jesus tells you there's no way He's staying in the bedroom you've given Him on the second floor with that stench permeating everything around! "I'd rather sleep on the back porch!" He tells you. I'm not staying anywhere near that...that...thing, and He starts to head downstairs.

After having been so close to Jesus now, the sudden withdrawal of Him from you hurts. You don't want to lose that closeness, the fellowship, those intimate times together you've enjoyed. You remember the compassion, mercy and love He's shown you already - so unconditional - without shame, guilt and condemnation. Just a true desire to help free you from the world's bondage. A freedom, peace and joy like none you've ever known. You have to make this right between the two of you.

You stop Him on the stairs and tell Jesus, "Here. I'll give you the key. But you'll have to look inside the closet and clean it out because I just don't have the strength to do it." Jesus looks at you with those warm, loving eyes of His and says, "I know you don't. Hand me the key. Just give me permission and authority to clean this mess up and I gladly will." You hand over the key, a bit embarrassed, but relieved. You know it's the right thing to do.

Jesus slowly opens the door. He enters the closet and takes out the putrefying stuff that was rotting in there and threw all of it away. Jesus cleansed the entire closet, removing every last trace of everything that was in there before. Suddenly, there's a wonderful new fragrant breeze that sweeps throughout the entire house! The entire atmosphere of the house changed. You feel a new freedom and sense of victory in your life that brings you to your knees, brings you to tears. Years of struggle, gone, never to have a stronghold in your life like that again!

No matter what sin or pain you may have hidden away in your own hall closet, know that Jesus is ready to cleanse you, remove it, restore you, forgive you, heal you, and make you whole like never before.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Part 6 of 8

If you're just joining us today, I would suggest that you begin at Part 1 and work your way up to Part 6. It will be more meaningful to take these in order.

One day, you're in your bedroom and Jesus is beside you, talking with you, and He asks, "Who's that in the photo beside your bed?" You proudly answer, "That's my boyfriend (or girlfriend, if you're a guy reading this). Although Jesus has proven himself that love comes first over and over, and He's here to help, and your relationship really is a good one, you still feel funny talking about some issues you two are struggling with lately. You try to change the subject when Jesus interjects, "You're not sure if you agree with my teachings on sex, are you? That's it's created, designed and reserved for two people in a covenant marriage? Some days it seems pretty unnatural and impossible to follow those teachings? You think My will may take away or at least limit your full enjoyment of love and life? Is that what's bothering you?"

How does He always know? Silly question. "Yes", you reply.

"Listen carefully to me" Jesus says. "I forbid adultery and premarital sex not because it's a bad thing, but because it's such a good thing! It deepens love and creates a bonding of two lives. It's powerful! So powerful it can bring forth human life into existence! Used properly, sex has the tremendous power for good. The flip side is that used improperly, it destroys all that's good. It becomes manipulation, a power struggle, a weapon, opens wounds, betrays trust in a relationship, can drive a person into self-hatred and guilt, causing them to want to try to hide from God. The list of negatives when abused is almost endless. That's why God intends for it to only be used within the commitment of a loving life-partnership. There's so much more to love than sex."

Jesus continues, "Let me help you in your relationship with the opposite sex. If you fail, or feel guilt and shame, remember that I still love you and will remain with you. Talk to me about it when you're struggling or confused. Acknowledge you've made mistakes in the past and take new steps to stop it from happening again. Rely on MY strength to keep you from stumbling and falling. I promise I'll always be here to help you back up. I can lead you both into a relationship of love and marriage where two individuals really will become one - in me."

I know today's message may seem like it's not helpful to married couples (most of my readers), but maybe it's for you to share with a teenager? A single friend? A divorced or widowed family member who's getting started in the dating process all over again and may be struggling? Someone you know caught in the wrong type of relationship? Adultery? I'm not here to judge anyone else. I'm only here to heal hurts and share the love of Jesus with those who need it, and hopefully the right words will get to the right people through those of us who allow Jesus to work freely through us to bring light into a darkened world. Who can use this encouragement and help today?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Part 5 of 8

If you're still with us on this 8 part journey, my prayer is that Jesus is at work in you, showing you something new - or at least, something you've forgotten but will be able to apply to your situation now. I hope your understanding of His mercy, compassion and love for you is coming through this writing for you. This day may be difficult, so you MUST keep in mind Jesus loves you and didn't come to condemn you. With that said, let's continue the tour..

There comes a time in the tour when Jesus asks you about the Rec Room, you know, where you go and what you do for fun and fellowship with others. Part of you wishes He hadn't asked. We all have certain friends or activities we have or do for fun that we want to keep for ourselves. You don't want to have to give up your fun for the rest of your life to follow Jesus, do you? You know what things or people in your world He wouldn't approve of, so you evade His question.

A little while down the road, you grab your coat and you're ready to head out the door with some of your friends for a "well-deserved, long-overdue, night on the town". Jesus is standing by the front door and asks, "Oh, are you going out tonight?" You tell Him that you are, meeting some buddies at your favorite place to hang out. You're surprised when Jesus says, "Oh good, I would like to go with you!"

Uh-oh. You can't have Jesus with you when you meet your friends. What would they say? What would Jesus say about the place you all hang out? You reply awkwardly,"You know, I really don't think you would enjoy where we're going. And you probably wouldn't be comfortable around these people, they run in different circles. Maybe you and I could go out somewhere together some other time soon. How about tomorrow night? We could attend a Bible class? or a church social event? but tonight, I have other plans. You understand, right?"

Deep down, you know your own feelings would have been hurt by that, you feel that guilt returning, but Jesus doesn't give you a hard time. He very simply says, "As you wish. I must have misunderstood. When you asked me to come into your home, I was hoping we would do everything together and be like best friends. But you're free to make your own choices, freedom of choice is part of our relationship, just know that I'm always willing to go with you."

You reassure Jesus that tomorrow night you'll go somewhere together and head out the door.

A few hours pass and you realize you just aren't having a good time like you thought you would. In fact, you're miserable. You feel awful for leaving Jesus home, after all, what kind of friend are you? You deliberately chose to leave Him out of part of your life. You chose to go places with people knowing He'd never enjoy. That was a choice you made on purpose.

You end up calling it a night earlier than usual and head home. Pulling into the driveway you realize there's a light still on in Jesus' room, so you decide to talk things over with Him. You knock and He opens the door and invites you to come into His room. You explain that you've learned your lesson. You now know that if you leave Him out of your fun too, you won't be able to really have any fun yourself anymore. You recommit to Jesus that from now on, you will be doing everything together. Waiting for the "I told you so" speech, Jesus just walks over to you, gives you a warm hug, looks you in your eyes and tells you with all sincerity, "That would make me very happy, I love when we're together."

Then you both go down to the rec room. Jesus had transformed it for you while you were out. While you left Him behind for personal and selfish reasons, He stayed behind to do something nice for you. He really does practice unconditional love, doesn't He?

In the rec room, Jesus had brought in new friendships, new excitement, new joys you never anticipated. Ever since that night, there's been music and laughter and fun throughout the house. He politely teases, "I bet you never thought you'd have any fun ever again with me around, didn't you? Just remember, I came that my joy would be in you, and that your joy may be full!" (Jn 15:11)

So as you go through your journey, starting today, don't be afraid to let go of things you know are causing separation between you and Jesus. Trust Him to replace those friends, locations, TV shows, music, events, and other distractions. He will replace them with so much joy and happiness and laughter that you never imagined! He loves you and wants to be your best friend, and experience this life with you. Take that first baby step and invite Him into all you do, including your fun. May you be blessed today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Part 4 of 8, You're half-way there...

Good morning! Hopefully after reading part 3 you've taken at least a moment to sit and talk, or pray, or read with Jesus. Not only does it benefit you, but He misses you when you aren't together. He loves you. If you haven't had time to do that yet, take a minute now...I'll wait...

Moving along on this tour of Jesus' new home, he asks if you have a workshop. Out in the garage, there's a workbench, a few tools, some equipment, but being so busy, you really haven't had time to do much out there. You play around out there once in a while, maybe create a gadget or two, but nothing substantial.

Jesus follows you out to your workshop. He takes a look at the "tools", the skills and talents you have laid out on your workbench. He tells you you've got a fairly good amount of things to start with. Then he asks what you hoped he wouldn't, "What are you producing with your life for God's kingdom?" He picks up a few of the small trinkets and toys you've made in the past and asks, "Is this the sort of thing you've been doing for others with your Christian life?"

You know, you felt pretty good when you managed to make those things. You didn't think you could even do that - but you steadied on and produced something of value. But now, you start to feel a bit guilty. You know if you'd been out here more often, tried a bit harder, you probably could have made so much more with what you have available. You start to explain that you know it doesn't look like much, but my abilities are limited. You tell Him how you feel awkward in circumstances outside your normal comfort zone. You doubt you could do as well as others you've seen. You try comparing your faults to others' strengths and feel just awful.

Then Jesus stops you. He looks at you with more compassion than you expected. He doesn't tell you to stop making excuses. He realizes your inner struggles, puts an arm around your shoulder, quiets your soul, and says, "Would you like to learn how to do better?"

Astounded by this unconditional love, you reply that of course you want to do better! Jesus reminds you, "Remember what I taught you, apart from me, you can do nothing. Come over here to the workbench and just relax - allow my Spirit to work through you. You may be yet unskilled, clumsy and awkward, but through my Spirit, you'll be amazed what you can really accomplish."

You surrender all your feelings and emotions and agree to let Jesus' Spirit work through your heart, your head, and your hands. Jesus puts His hands under yours, you feel confidence in His arms around you. He picks up the tools and begins to work. "Relax, you're still too tense," he jokes, "let me do the work!"

You experience wonder and amazement as you see all your own hands are creating and producing when you allow Him to control the way they work. There's still much to learn, but realize how much better you can do for God's kingdom with the help of the Master Builder.

So don't be discouraged at what you haven't done before, our own abilities aren't important, it's what we can do when we allow Christ to do what He wants with us and our skills we've been given. You'll be surprised at all the two of you can do together!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Part 3 of 8

So far, we've toured the study/library and the dining room. Let's continue our tour...

...Next we move into the living room. It's such a peaceful place. It's quiet, comfortable, has a fireplace, big fluffy chairs, and bookcases. Jesus is also pleased with this room. He suggests that we meet here often so we can fellowship, and have good, long talks together. Can you think of anything else you'd rather do? To have a few minutes alone with Jesus every day?! He makes a promise, "I will be here every morning early to meet with you so we can start the day together."

Every morning I head downstairs for my private, alone time with Jesus. He takes down a book of the bible from the bookcase and together we read, discuss it, apply it. God's truths unfold and my heart sings with the wonder of all Jesus did and does for me. Our friendship deepens to a whole new level I never imagined!

Unfortunately, I have a lot of responsibilities. Little by little I start shortening our time, I guess I'm too busy to take so much time away from what needs to be done. I don't mean to do that, it just sort of happens that way. I sometimes end up missing a day or two in a row.

One morning, I rush out the door, but on the way, I happen to glance into the living room. As I look over, I notice there's a fire in the fireplace and Jesus patiently waiting in His favorite chair for me, across from my empty seat. Suddenly, a sadness sets into my heart. Here is my guest, I invited Him, yet here I am neglecting Him!

I enter the room and apologize. "Have you been here every single morning waiting for me like this?" I ask. He answers, "Of course. I told you I'd be here every morning to meet with you, and so I have." The guilt and shame was overwhelming. Jesus gently assured me I was forgiven. With more love than I've ever experienced from anyone before he continues, "You see, you've been thinking of our time together as your own time of spiritual growth. But you need to know this: I love you, I redeemed you at a great cost, I value our friendship, just the sight of you warms my heart, please stop neglecting this time for MY sake. This is MY time that I enjoy you too."

So today, and every day, please don't leave Jesus waiting along in your living room. Take a few moments to be with Him, to strengthen your relationship. To pray together, and enjoy your long talks with Him. He loves you and He absolutely misses you when you don't make it to your appointed time together.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The meaning of Christ "dwelling" in us. - Part 2 of 8

Last time we left off in the study. We were showing Jesus around His new home with us. We wanted Him to feel comfortable in His surroundings, so He would want to move in and stay with us. The tour continues...

From the study, we walk into the Dining Room, the room of appetites and desires. It's a large room, after all, it has to hold all our wants. We're proud of this room, we've worked so hard to get all the things in it. We "earned" all this stuff and want more.

We tell Jesus how proud we are of this room. We just know He'll like what we serve in here. Being a good guest, Jesus sits down at our table and asks, "What's on the menu tonight?" Not thinking, we want to appear to have such an abundance (we've played this game with the world for a long time, we're good at it). We rattle off, "All our favorites! Money, Education & Degrees, Stocks, Nice Cars, and on the side, newspaper articles of Fortune and Fame!"

Although there is nothing wrong with any of these things, it's just not very good food to feed the soul, nor satisfy true spiritual hunger. When all the plates are brought in, we look over and notice Jesus isn't eating. Wondering what's wrong, we ask, "Don't you like what we have?" His answer isn't one of judgement, or disappointment, or guilt. Jesus simply offers us something more, something better. He offers, "I have food you don't yet know of. Food that can really satisfy you! If you want that type of food, then do the will of the Father who sent me. Stop striving for your own indulgences and satisfactions. They aren't lasting anyway. Just try a bite and see that what I say is true."

Suddenly everything on the table changes! Now before you there is new menu items. You try a bite - what amazing flavor! and depth! and texture! It's like nothing you've ever had before! There's nothing else like it in the world! It's totally satisfying and leaves you full. In that moment, you realize that every other thing you had leaves you hungry.

So what's on the menu in your dining room of desires? What types of foods are we offering to our Lord? to ourselves? 1 John 2:16 speaks of the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. These are empty and unsatisfying. Instead, try a bite of doing God's will instead of following your own agenda. I know it may be new and strange at times, but if you let it, it will become your soul-satisfying meat and drink.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The meaning of Christ "dwelling" in us. - Part 1 of 8

Let me take you on a short, 8 part journey to understand the true meaning of how to have Christ dwelling in you - if you do, it'll change your life.

After understanding and accepting the gift that Jesus took on our sins so that we would be able to live in heaven for all eternity, you begin your journey as a Christian. Then you start to read the Word and maybe some of it's what you remember hearing before, but most of it becomes brand new information. Your perspective and understanding changes, your motivations and character begins to change and improve. You may get involved in a local church, maybe even a bible study. Your bible becomes your Owner's Manual or Survival Guide (depending on where you're at, I guess). But then along the way you hear about Jesus wanting to "dwell" in you. That's not a word you hear anymore. What exactly does that mean? to dwell?

One dictionary defines dwell this way: to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside. live or continue in a given condition or state: to dwell in happiness. That's a pretty good definition. It's not about temporary conditions, it's not a feeling, it's not dependent on circumstances that happen that moment, it's got nothing to do with how you're treated by others, it's a permanent, on-going state of being. So let's see how that relates to Jesus dwelling in us.

I know we all have good days and bad days. Some days we do well, make good choices, spend quality time with loved ones, and feel very blessed. Those days, it's easy to "feel" that Jesus is dwelling in you. You want to do good things, serve others, give people the benefit of the doubt, etc. But what about on those bad days?

Do you find yourself feeling more selfish? Do you end up in an end of the day pity party? Feel like a martyr doing everything for everyone else with no thank you's or acknowledgement for all you do? Do you feel like God's mad at you because you didn't get what you wanted? Or worse, because you ended up with something bad you didn't deserve because of someone else's choices? What about days like this? Still feel Jesus dwells in you? Hard, isn't it?

Here's what changed everything for our adult Sunday school class, we were given little booklets called, "My Heart - Christ's Home" by Robert Boyd Munger. It's less than 30 pages and fits in your back pocket, but it changed everything for me. Here's the gist of it:

Rev 3:20 is where Jesus says he knocks on the door, and if we choose, we open the door and let Him in. I want you to begin to visualize this with me. You've invited Christ to make His home in you, so picture an actual house. Christ knocks on the literal door, you open it, and invite Him to move in. Step 1.

Because Jesus is your new guest, you want Him to be comfortable in your new home together. You start a tour to show Him around. The first place you go is the study or library. As He's standing there with you, you suddenly become aware of the books and magazines lying around and realize they make you embarrassed and Jesus seems a bit uncomfortable around them. The pictures on the walls are your thoughts, and now He's seeing them - the good AND the bad ones. You turn and ask Jesus if He would help you clean up this mess and make it how it ought to be. There's NO condemnation, no guilt trip, just a loving friend who says, "Of course I'll help you! I've come to make things better for you, to help you put things right." The major change after tossing out the bad or wrong things you'd been hanging onto is to hang a new picture on the wall, one of Jesus, hung centrally on the wall of your mind. You'll still struggle with controlling the other images, but it will get easier if you focus on Him first. When you focus on Jesus' presence, purity and power, the other images begin to back away. This is NOT about focusing on your mistakes of the past - just the changes needed to have a more successful future.

If you struggle in this room (of your mind), fill the study with His Word, bring Jesus here with you to study together. Learn from what the Scriptures have to say.

Monday, June 06, 2011

It's been a while but I'm ready to write again.

I haven't put anything on here for a long time. It's the one blog that I want to only write when I truly "feel" something to write. To do that, I have to get up before dawn to get quiet enough to let my thoughts flow without interruption.

For the past week or so, I've been waking up between 4 and 5 in the morning. Experience has taught me that when it's consistent, God wants me to do something. In the past, it may be to sit outside as day breaks and just enjoy it with him. It may be to read His Word. It may be to pray for someone that I can't get out of my mind. It may be to bring me to an awareness of something that is going to or needs to change. Whatever the reason, if I do get myself up that early, within a few days, I find out why I'm being called so early.

Today I really felt the strong need to read the Word. I randomly opened to a few spots until I found the one that felt right. It was in Acts 7. I read the entire passage, which covered God's faithfulness even though troubling times still had to happen. It also spoke about the faith of Stephen, who gave his life while trying to save people by sharing about Jesus. The passage in itself wasn't the message I received though. It was about Stephen focusing (as he was dying) on Heaven; he saw Jesus standing there waiting for him. It was this glorious moment in time - and while I read that part - the sun finally broke over the horizon into brilliant light. With a dawn full of wildfire smoke, that light broke through without haze, without hinderance, without anything to diminish it's glorious light. For that one moment, it was like I could picture that moment when Stephen saw Jesus and saw his new home. What hope and peace and warmth that brought. And to think, I might have missed it just for another half hour of tossing and turning in a dark room. Obeying God's gentle nudgings are always so worth it! Like Psalms 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handywork."

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

This last year has been a very trying time in every way, but God has been there every step of the way. He brings me peace, joy, courage, strength, and clarity - just when I need them most. This weekend was a very different Easter weekend for me too.

It started on Friday. I had originally planned on a nice fish dinner for Good Friday, maybe coloring eggs with Jordan on Saturday, and then Easter Sunday. Somewhere around Friday afternoon, I felt this heavy sadness come over me. It was so strange. Was I feeling lonely? Depressed? Tired of the cold and windy weather? Missing being at Mountain Valley Church for Easter service? Maybe I was bored? I just couldn't put my finger on it.

By Saturday, I felt so out of sorts, even my stomach felt wrong. I wasn't coming down with anything, it wasn't like that. It was a very consuming sadness. My mind was racing, I couldn't sleep, I had trouble finding anything to lift my spirits. Then it hit me...for a while now I pray the words I heard in one of my favorite songs. I've been praying, "Break my heart for what breaks yours." Then the whole story of Jesus' death and resurrection came to mind. Maybe what I was feeling was the sadness (or a teeny tiny reflection of it) that must've come over God at turning His son over to be beaten, tortured, left for dead, and having to turn His back on Jesus as he took on every sin of every person in the world for all eternity. It must've been the hardest thing God ever had to do, but it makes sense that God can't co-exist with sin. He's pure and holy and He's never-changing. That sadness that overtook Him during Jesus' death and punishment he took for all of our sins might have been what had me so messed up this weekend.

I figured the one way to know for sure was to see how I felt when I woke up on Resurrection Sunday. From the moment I opened my eyes, I felt better, more alive, I felt joy again, I had a wonderful sense of peace, my mind was at ease, and I felt more hopeful for the future than I have in a long time. Any negative feelings from the past two days were gone.

Father, I thank you for the opportunity to share in that glimpse of your heart. I'm so thankful for such a loving God that you spared your most prized possession for us, not when we got it all together for you, but you did it when we were still sinners! Thank you Jesus for being willing to provide a way to pay our debt, our wages of sin - death, so that we could have everlasting life. What an expression of unconditional love! You did what no one else could nor would do, at no benefit to yourself - only to us. I want to spend the rest of my life following your example of putting others first, truly loving others, doing the will of the Father, and trusting Him to make it all work out perfectly according to His plan.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Waiting Patiently

Why is it that waiting patiently is so hard? We hate waiting in lines, in traffic, for special days and events to get here, to hear from someone answering our messages, we hate waiting.

I'm in a new but familiar place right now...waiting patiently for God's answers, for Him to act, for Him to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I've been here before. If I think I know God's answer, I usually jump the gun and act on it immediately, often without asking him WHEN to act. If I don't see Him act in what I think is a reasonable time frame (as if I could ever know better than God?), then I start assuming I'm messing up something and have to fix myself before God will answer or help me. Don't we all do that from time to time? I have to remember than His time frame is NOT my time frame. He knows details and future events that I don't, and I have to remember that God's time table is truly the BEST plan. Obedience to God has to include trusting His time and plan over my own impatience.

I also have learned in the past that I have to let go of trying to control, or even just persuade, others when I know they're not on the right track. It's not my job to fix anyone, I don't have the authority to judge anyone else's decisions. I'm only in charge of myself, my actions, my words, my thoughts, and my attitudes in any given circumstance. If I keep this in mind, then waiting for the right set of instructions get immeasureably easier.

For now, I'll just continue on my path of seeking answers from His Word, listening in quiet and prayer time, asking for wisdom to hear God when He's ready to speak to me on this, and be still...and know that He is God...(and I am not).

Hope this helps someone else struggling with waiting on God.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Unleashing God's Power

I've spent the past 8 years or so really working hard on my spiritual journey. I've read my Bible, done dozens and dozens of studies to learn more, listened intently from those with wisdom, put into practice the things I learn, and really tried to develop a better sense of who God really is in my life, and in the world.
I believe I'm embarking on a new part of my journey now. I'm taking the first steps into understanding more fully all that comes with a new and better understanding of God. My Sunday morning bible study is teaching us just what's available within the power of God working in and through us. Just this morning I read in scriptures examples of ordinary people who were able to overcome huge fears and with God leading them, and supplying them with necessary skills, instruction and tools, they overcame sin, and overcame evil, to their benefit and God's glory. That's the kind of life I want to live. I'm all done focusing on the problems before my eyes. I'm ready to see the victory through God that is possible. I don't think I have to be born special or be perfect to find joy and peace and victory anymore. I can trust, and take that fearful leap of faith, and know with confidence that God will not only cheer me on, but catch me and show me how to soar! I believe He wants to teach all his children to fly and really live an extraordinary life - but we have to overcome fear first - and learn to focus on Him and what He can and wants to do.
I can't wait to see the view from the next mountain top!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Latest Project

A few years ago I was inspired to write a Genesis Bible Study. I wasn't sure why. I thought maybe it was to be my kids' curriculum, but a friend kind of forced me to take it a step further. We were in the ladies' bible study discussing what our next topic of study would be. My friend, whom I had forgotten that I told about the study, announced to the whole room that I was writing a Genesis study and we should do that. I rushed to meet the deadline to have it ready on time. We ended up with between 40 and 50 ladies do this (casual) chapter by chapter Bible study. It worked out great and we all learned a lot. The discussions were great!

Now I think I'm being called to perfect it and turn it into a real study for selling to churches and church groups. It'll take 6 months to a year to complete, but if I do it as an ebook, it might be ready sooner. I'm not sure where this'll lead, but it's always an adventure to see what God has planned.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What will you do in 2011 to grow closer to God?

We're commanded to be more Christ-like as we walk our journey of faith. What will you do this year to do that? and to grow closer to God? Here are a few considerations:

1. Make time to read your bible more. This can be daily, or weekly, or even monthly if that's not something in your current routine. Find a friend to get with when you read it, then discuss the meaning as you both see it, and then how to apply what you've learned.

2. Join a group where you can be encouraged or you can learn more about your walk. It can be a bible study group, a Sunday morning class, or even an evening small group in a hosted home.

3. Take some time to look at your character. Where are the holes? What weaknesses can you improve? Do you have one particular character flaw that others bring up more than once? Then maybe you should start there with God's help, not to become what others want you to be, but to become closer to God and become more Christ-like.

4. Try listening to online sermons while sitting at your computer. You can listen to sermons from all around the world, or even from a church near your part of it. If you don't know where to start, there's that has recorded ones to start you off. Find your favorite speakers and go from there.

5. Crosswalk also has great articles on everything from parenting, to marriage, to money, to careers, to movie reviews. Reading on topics relevant to you written by people who may be further on their journey than you're at, can be very helpful to change your thinking for the better.

Whatever method you choose, good luck in 2011. May you find yourself where you want to be Spiritually when January of 2012 rolls around. God Bless, Friend.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Nature of a Servant

This is a reposting of a devotional I wrote (totally inspired, I can't take credit) back in 2006, maybe earlier. It was the 1st of about 10. Enjoy!

Matthew 25: 21 "His Master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful in a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

While reading my Bible recently, I came across the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. I've read it before and I've heard the sermons on how this is about Spiritual Gifts, not just money God gives you, but that's not what struck me. What really seemed to speak to me was the word "servant".

Jesus didn't say "well done good and faithful worker, church-goer, parent, spouse, leader, friend, or even follower". Jesus chose the word servant on purpose. He showed us how to serve others when he washed the feet of his disciples. This made me dig a little deeper into what else Jesus said regarding being a servant.

What God kept bringing to my attention, is the nature of the servant. This doesn't mean the way he or she acts during church, or when others are watching, or when there's something to gain. Someone's nature is who they are when no one's watching. It's a part of who they are, internally, that governs their actions. The good news is, taking on the nature of a servant is like playing a musical instrument, it can be learned. It's not something you must be born with or else you'll never have it. So let's figure out what traits to develop on this journey of following Christ and becoming a servant.

A servant:

humbles himself - willing to fill the needs of others, regardless of credit, praise, or status
submits - willing to give up control to God, and those in authority over him or her,
is obedient - does what is asked of him because it is the right thing to do according to God
helps - finds needs of others and fills them joyfully, doesn't complain about his own needs that aren't being met by other people. Instead expects God to meet his own needs.
has joy from within - not resentful of the duties being performed, enjoys the gift of helping
respectful - refuses to quarrel with those around him, instead, seeks solutions to problems rather than assigning blame, complaining or gossiping.
loves God - by serving Jesus' flock, a servant feels God's presence and love.

So how can we as His followers decide to be better servants? Sometimes the best way is to just jump in with faith and trust and fill the needs God presents to you. Pray about it. Ask the Lord for guidance (through His Word and the Holy Spirit) which areas He desires to see you serve. God doesn't ask for a few to try to please the crowds with false humility, or with busyness. He only asks that as Christ's body, we should serve one another.

The best example is the first church, mentioned in the book of Acts. It says in Acts 4 that all the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed material possessions as their own, they shared all they had. There were no needy among them. Imagine if we all took on that servant nature! What kind of church would we have? What kind of group of people could we become? How would that impact those outside looking in? Let's all pray and ask how we can serve each other during this season of our lives. Let's take the focus off what we wish someone would do, or teach. Instead, let's focus on what God-given abilities and gifts we've been blessed with, and how we can bless our members with them.


Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending us such a perfect example of servant hood in your son, Jesus. We want to become better servants ourselves, but taking the first step in sometimes the hardest of all. We ask that you'd speak to our hearts and minds. Show us the needs in our church and community, and inspire us to trust you to teach us how to fill it, how to be a good servant, for your glory, and to further your kingdom here on earth. May we one day hear those wonderful
words spoken to us from your lips, "well done, good and faithful servant."

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New 2011 Resolutions for my faith:

1. Reading my bible daily, not when I think of it.

2. We just joined a new Sunday morning study with church friends.

3. Take the time to listen to sermons throughout the week when I need a lift.
I'll be listening to both Phil from MVC and Cal from Central.

4. I'm following the Maker's Diet (basically just eating right, not counting
calories like a traditional diet.) I'll be eating what God created and
incorporating brief prayer into my day at least 3 to 5 times a day.

5. I want to find 3 people this year to really become close friends with, to
help make a significant difference for the better, to be her positive
influence and sounding board, as well as bring her closer to God.

6. I hope to find 5 people this year to bring to Jesus for the first time. I
hope it's family, or a close friend, but it doesn't have to be.