Saturday, November 22, 2008

Life is hard, sometimes...

Life is so hard sometimes. You do all you can do, make the best decisions you can, work as hard as you physically can, and follow the golden rule to the best of your ability - but what about when that's not enough?

I know we live in a fallen world, we're imperfect people, sinners at heart, and I don't expect life to be a piece of cake, but...there ARE a few things I expect:

Do what you say you'll do
Follow through with plans if failing to do so wreaks havoc on others' lives
Tell the truth
If it's your responsibility, then DO IT, don't wait for someone else to do it
Don't be so self-absorbed, be aware of the needs of those around you
It's not always all about you
If those around you are working like crazy, pitch in and help
Quit making excuses and blaming others
Stop asking others to do things you aren't willing to do yourself
If you aren't perfect, then quit criticizing others
If you mess up, own up to it, don't lie about it

My intentions are to encourage, help, teach, guide, and be responsible, but sometimes others just don't want to play along. I often miss the mark - actually daily - but His mercies are new every morning, and it's up to me to at least TRY to be better tomorrow than I was today.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


I love November 1st. It's the end of the Halloween season (which we don't celebrate). We're so happy to see the gross and inappropriate humor gone for another year. It's so different from when I was little. We had plastic masks and costumes, we knew our neighbors, no one worried about tainted treats and it wasn't an evening known as a sexual predator's paradise. Seriously, that's all I kept reading about in the headlines for the past few days - it's just sick. I'm all for Harvest Parties to bring in the holiday season, or costume parties with taste, but I realized driving around last night, the line between who's in costume and who's "just dressed that way" is blurring.

November 1st also brings in the Holiday Season. People are nicer, more patient, and most are thinking of others for a change. I love that everywhere you go you see words like JOY and PEACE. I love the candlelights.

This year, due to our finances, and limited space, we probably won't be able to put up our tree. In the past, we had our old, cloth sofa and the loveseat would move into the storage room. This year, we were blessed with gently used leather furniture from our friends. We don't want to put a leather loveseat out to get wrecked, so we're out of room for a tree. Also, there's no money for gifts, but I think it'll be okay. We'll work on making and baking gifts for each other and for friends & family. For the first time, the kids'll have to focus on others instead of which video game or system they want.

We're working on a big family gift in lieu of lots of little presents. If all works out, it could be the best gift we've ever given to ourselves and our kids. I think this year will be a blessing in disguise when a lack of money means our events and activities will revolve around free events at local churches and through the neighboring cities. I'll look for lights to drive by, plays to attend, parades, displays and carolers.

I'm glad the holiday season is finally here - I'm really looking forward to the simplicity of this year - and the cooler weather!