Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Well, it's been a year!

I haven't posted on here in a year. Mostly it's because life got crazy, politics got crazy, my schedule got crazy, my church changed hands, twice in about 2 1/2 years, one son got married and moved out, my mother and brother moved in, I became a minimalist, I'm back in college again full time studying for a psychology degree, and I've changed - a lot.

I'm still a strong Christian, hopefully doing better than I was a year ago, or else what's the point? Right? I've done studies with my ladies' small group about being Content, and being Encouraging. I've studied with a whole new group of ladies in another bible study, attending a new church in our same old building. I've recently worked through Beth Moore's new study The Quest. It's typical Beth Moore with lots of deep scriptures and pages of homework every week, but it's also very different in that it's not really topical, nor is it on any particular book of the bible. It's about developing an intimacy with Jesus, deeper and more honest than ever before. It's a six week study so I did it on my college winter break while my small group and bible study group were off.

So what does "the new me" have to say on faith? Don't give up. So many times we aim high and end up not following through. Then the guilt makes us want to quit. I'm here to say that anyone, after any amount of time, at any age, can become a better Christ follower than they thought. Here's a few things I do now that are different:

1.  I make time for Bible Reading almost every day. I don't get to it every single day, total transparency and honesty here, but I don't just let it go day after day either. If you don't intentionally MAKE time, it won't happen. It has to be something you plan, like an appointment in your calendar, like the top thing on your prioritized daily to-do list. If you don't, life will keep you away from the Word and you'll feel "stuck" where you're at. It's so worth it to do this one thing, even if you do nothing else.

2.  Get around like minded people. Join a mens/ladies/singles/couples/retirees/young moms/ group or just a small group. Whatever fills the need you have in this season of your life. You don't have to join them all, just one (more when you're ready). If you can find a group that understands you may not make it 100% of the time and is okay with that, that's even better. Too much pressure keeps many people from joining a group from what they tell me.

3.  Talk to God. I don't mean you shouldn't have actual prayer time on a regular basis, but you should just simply talk to God throughout the day. When you're frustrated, when something good happens, when you're worried or afraid, when you have great news, when you need help, when you need support, when you feel so thankful and grateful for someone or all to God. You won't surprise him, he always hears you when you call, and he can bring peace, rest, joy, and love into your situation a lot more than if you post your feelings on Facebook.

4.  I start each day now, still lying in bed, saying something along these lines:  Lord, thank you for granting me another day. This is the day you have made, so you know what I should be doing, what needs doing, what I can let go of because it's a waste of time anyway, and how I should order my day. Before I take one step out of this bed, I ask you who is in control of all time anyway, please order my day. I want to go through today knowing every single thing that happens has passed by you and been approved by you ahead of time. This way, good or bad, I know you're still in control and aware of the situation, making all things work towards good eventually. Use me to bring you glory wherever you see fit. Keep me out of things you know are not what you want for my life. I release any false illusion that I can control time, save time, or call it "my time". It belongs to you and I surrender this day to you. Thank you." - If you can start your day, or your week, or your month this way, it can make all the difference in the world.

5.  Be content, thankful, grateful, and appreciative of all you are, all you have, all you can do, and of those around you.

May tomorrow be a whole new wonderful day for you.

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